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b) Explain how the political context in which newspapers are produced, influences their ownership and regulation. Refer to The Guardian and The Daily Mail newspapers you have studied to support your answer. [10 marks] Press freedom Freedom v oligopoly; regulation in context of Leveson and IPSO Compare the freedom of the press to e.g. TV news. Refer to the focus on soft news (Mail) and comment (Guardian) Differing ownership models  of the 2 papers and how this influences Relationship between political parties and newspapers Media plurality (having a range of voices) remains a live issue in Britain today , and is framed in the context of a free press .   The political context of the role of press freedom in the running of democracy both gives opportunities and limits control exercised by the owners of the newspapers. Newspapers are permitted to be opinionated and politically biased. How truly free is the press when it is owned by a small number of (upper / middle cl

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