Deconstruction of Radio heads “Burn the Witch”

Deconstruction of Radio heads “Burn the Witch”

“Dawn Chorus” album and company juxtaposition.

Dawn chorus bird represents tactic is a financial decision that they change the production so it doesn't affect financials of other parts.

Genre related style and iconography- (Goodwin) This Birdsong is a trademark, which makes their videos recognizable due to the recurrence of this trademark. Also links in with International Dawn Chorus day.

Setting: The bird is the first thing, we are shown which represents innocence and freedom, which we can predict the village is like this also.
Introduced to Village and town characters who are having a meeting in the centre of the town with the mayor instructions are given about the day ahead
The village shown has intertextual references of Trumpton directed by chris howell inspire by kids tv series trumpton 1960-70s. Which was an idyllic picture postcard british town, was created trumpton trilogy aired on BBC.

Trumpton and far right politics - the reference to trump is an overt reference to donald trump by using that particular program who at the time was making decisions about the US'S immigration policy. Intertextuality to trumpton. Can see specific characters parodied in the video.
Trumpton and British Values - the connotations of these ads include
Europe in the midst of a refugee crisis
Leave campaign propaganda branded leave
Trump propaganda nasty connotations trump campaigning for presidency this campaign mirrors the breaking point of the ad

Mayor and characters are in unity and the mayor has the power, as they do not oppose the mayor. This indicates a potential dictatorship and the willingness to obey.

A man in a suit is dropped off  showing us he is here to Inspect the village greeted  by the mayor and shown around.
Multiple references to witchcraft such as the dunking chair public execution of witches, which metaphor for modern day differences.

Witch references casting out spirits when she's tied to the tree and the burning the visitor.
The residents are very active with their beliefs as we see a satanic like ritual being carried out by throughout -gloomy atmosphere.
Red crosses on wooden doors.

Red crosses on wooden doors, lyrics could link to people who have spoken out before who now wait for the government or towns people in this case to punish them for opposing their views. Which also includes this being intertextual references from medieval england as the red crosses were painted on the doors when the plague crossed London in 1665  to identify the plague victims. This was an example of discrimination against the sick. This was a metaphor for modern-day discrimination as this could relate to the context of the video and the cultural references for example the blamining of different people and muslims within Europe's refugee crisis. This also links in with Goodwins standard themes in this case political consciousness.
Hanging rope  and flowers.
Avoid all icons and do not react the lyrics highlight the government monitoring people and their privacy this could be a viewpoint from the towns people as if they were to react or oppose the town they would face severe consequences.
Jobe’s crates of tomatoes that have jobes written on them reference to the Wicker man, Jobe is also a biblical character  punished and tested by god.
Town coming together and burning the visitor.
The burning man festival-  originally comes from a movie, so intertextual reference to the Wicker Man as they were burning the visitor. The Man burned in an ethology is  a clear homage to the wicker man, they re are elements which juxtapose with the darkness and the blaming currently of ‘outsiders’
The band wanted to raise awareness for refugee crisis
The refugees is the visitor, and  the visit is a metaphor for refugees who think they are going to a  safe place but they do not realise this.
