Audience Readings

Audience readings

Preferred- This is when the audiences respond to the product the way the producers want them to.

Negotiated- This is when a member of the audience partly agrees with part of a product eg film, documentary, television show.

Operational- This is when the audience are in complete disagreement with the products message or setting.

Mode of address

Direct address- speaking to the viewer directly, using ‘you’ or ‘your’ (but not always), this reinforces preferred reading.

Indirect address- More objective speech.

Authoritative- Telling you what to do, being very forceful.

Familiar- would be more ‘chatty’ informally talking to you like you are their friend.

Task- 4 slogans

Direct- You would love our new energy drink.

Indirect- They want the best.

Authoritative- You must buy our new energy drink right now!

Familiar- Hey friend, come and test it out.

This is Abuse- would you stop yourself?

The target audience are teens, both male and female and this advert has been made by the organisation ‘Thisisabuse’  its purpose is to make people acknowledge whether their actions are appropriate or if they force their partner into sex, the techniques used within the advert was direct address as it included a question at the end with you.

Change for Life - Be food smart

I think the government cannot encourage us to eat healthy, the techniques used in the advert to get the viewers to agree were punishment as if they did not change their bad eating habits they would indirectly stating get heart disease or diabetes etc, logos as the advert displayed many facts. Within change for life’s accompanying

Starbucks- #Whitecupcontest

User-generated advertising is powerful as it is 35% more memorable and 50% more trusted by the audience as it allows them to connect with their audience and is more trusted as it provides proof of purchase so it has evidence that people have bought into the brand as they are prosumers and generating their own content and sharing it (collective intelligence) as a society so we know if they like the product or service, therefore potential customers are more likely to get product or service. For example the Starbucks white cup contest had gone viral as it attracted over 4000 entries in just three weeks.

Key Terms

User generated content (UGC)- content made by non-professionals (social media post, blogs, pinterest etc).  It can be used as marketing as it is cost effective. It is 35% more memorable and 50% more trusted.

Shareable content-

Pro-sumer- We are no longer ‘simply consumers- we produce our own content. Since the 1980s the term ‘prosumer’ has been used to describe the blurring of the lines between producers and consumers.  But the dawn of web 2.0 (early 2000s) makes this more of a reality for everyone.

Participatory culture-

Collective intelligence- This is a concept used by the theorist Henry Jenkins that proposes ‘Nobody’ know everything. We all know something. Therefore together we can know everything (or nearly everything…)’ Which is a part of participatory culture- today we take part in media rather than consume it.
