Inspire Her Mind - Verizon Commercial Homework

Textual Analysis Table- Moving Image

Denotation / what can be seen
Connotation / what is the meaning?
Camera- angle, size and movement
Starts off with a close up of a toddler, crab right, a close up of her boots, a long shot of the girl in the forest, mid shot of the girl on the beach, pan left of the girl looking at what she has captured, crab left, eye level shot of her putting glitter on a planet in her bedroom, long shot, mid shot, extreme close up as it it of her using the drill, long shot of her walking the halls at her high school and a close-up of the poster she passes about the science fair as she looks at her self in the acetate she puts her lip gloss on.
This connotes her exploration of various locations which meant that she is free but as time goes on as she looks at her self in the end she is trapped as even though i density is how you perceive your self its how other people perceive you too so she becomes what society has trained her to be and we understand this by her being an average girl putting on lip gloss instead of the alternative which would have been going to the science fair.
Editing including any SFX
Cut is used

To represent and build up how she is growing up so fast
Sound- diegetic, non-diegetic, narration etc.
The sound is diegetic as there is dialogue.

This advert also contains non-diegetic due to the music playing in the background.

This could connote she is losing the creative side of herself the part that she really enjoys as she first is told not to get her dress dirty when exploring in the forest with a stick, and later on she is told not to mess with a starfish and told to put it down she is also told that her project with the planets as she is hanging them around her room that it is getting out of control and when building a rocket ship is told to pass the drill to her brother
"Our words can have a huge impact. Isn't it time we told her she's pretty brilliant, too? Encourage her love of science and technology and inspire her to change the world."-- Reshma Saujani, Founder of Girls Who Code
Mise-en-scene: location, costume, props, lighting
This advert includes a series of locations such as the field, forest, beach, bedroom, garage and a school.

The costumes consist of toddlers dress a little girls dress wellington boots a dungaree and a swimsuit, a top and jeans skirt and hoody brother is wearing shirt t-shirt and jeans she is wearing a short girly dress and a shirt.

Props-sticks are used when exploring, starfish, planets for a project, paintbrush, glitter jeans top drill, rocket science fair poster, and lip gloss.

Lighting-consists of high key lighting

This could connote her at a young age being an explorer and who she really is and as she grows up being constantly told what to do and is then trapped both emotionally and physically.

The girls choice of clothing tends to get more "girly" throughout which could connote that she is losing the true side of her self as she is constantly being told how she should be.
