Paywall for and against

Pay walls for and against

  1. By the slow suicide David Simon means that if not all newspapers put up a pay wall the newspaper industry will continue to collapse.

    2. Anti-paywall people “don’t understand the first thing about actual journalism" as those who advocate for them, don’t understand the Internet. .These people don’t understand the first thing about actual journalism. As It costs money to cover a metro region, and place reporters at key points to maintain and gain information.

    3.  By saying journalism is a profession he means that they still have to be paid as these are their jobs and one way for this to be done is through newspapers recover a revenue stream for their online product, until they do this they have no future.

4. I think people paid for the NYT as their newspaper included value added content, so content of quality.


David Simmons says “Band-Aid to cover a bullet hole" this means that the pay wall is a short-term strategy and is not fixing the problem of the newspaper industry collapsing it is simply elongating the process as the problem is already too deep.

For Facebook or any other social network I would probably not pay for as I believe something just as good would take its place.

In your own words put together a 200 – 300 word argument IN FAVOUR of Paywalls – to try to convince a young person who has never paid for a newspaper.
You should definitely pay for a newspaper as in the regard of information it is usually of a better quality and is significant as it also may be inclusive of value added content. If  fewer people as yourself are not paying for the newspapers the industry will be dying faster, therefore you should support this industry to ensure that there is a good cross-section of news providers. Paid publications may have exclusive features or news items that may not be available via the free press. Many consumers take the paid route as there is usually a minimal amount charged where as for something like Netflix streaming provider or Spotify the cost would be significantly higher and this would not contribute largely to your overall global knowledge as it is more important to stay informed on world's events and happening's rather than listening to the latest music or watching movies as this is merely for entertainment purposes. One of the other factors in favour for paid newspapers is that as they are paid for they are perceived as having more value psychologically then something provided free therefore could be argued that the paid content is somehow superior to unpaid.
