Case Study Task

Find examples of language used in each of the pieces to describe the parents of both children. How does this language differ? What are the messages and values on social class? (10 marks)

In the Matthews case it always referred to her as "Miss Matthews, who has seven children to five fathers" that gives us connotations of stereotypical working class people and shows she did not care about her self image nor her children as much as her priority seems to be the men.

It also refers to a show called shameless which is based on a dysfunctional family who is working class just like her and based on the "similarities" The Daily Telegraph stated that she could of gotten the idea from the show  as in it the "family staged the fake kidnap of his youngest son, Liam, in order to obtain a £500,000 ransom." But "all along, Liam was hidden a few doors away with a friend of his sister."  The comparison drawn on a dysfunctional chaotic criminal comparison.

Whereas in the McCann's case a private conversation between McCann's and the PM suggests they have access to more power. Also a psychologist flew out which connotes wealth and they also had threatened legal action against police which suggests wealth and power. Empathetic, grieving responsible mother connotes upper middle class loving environment and the use of personalised quotation connects the McCann's, Whereas Karen Matthews "wants to leave her boyfriend" Promiscuous? Already had 5 baby fathers is stereotyping, and the affair with her boyfriend's uncle gives a negative view on working class, so the comparison drawn is that the family is messed up and not loving as she cares more about her well being than her children’s it seems to be.

Analyse the choice of pictures used in terms of framing, shot type and mise en scene. Compare their representations of the social class of the two families. (10 marks)

In  Madeleine McCann’s case her mother is holding her hand on the slide portrays her to be a caring and compassionate mother, as they are both are in one picture, maybe because she is of a high middle class family this is portrayed that way, it is also a mid long shot, whereas in Shannon's case they seem to be like mugshots as they are close ups of the mother and the child alone shown with separate pictures which to an extent could show that this family is broken and dysfunctional compared to the McCann’s.

The mise en scene in the McCann’s case consists of a friendly setting the park, they are on a slide, the lighting used is high key. Whereas in the Matthew’s case there seems to be a school picture of shannon and what  seems to be a close up of her mother outside and the lighting that this consists of is also high key.

Hall notes that representation is “contested”, in particular the representation of those with less power in society.  He argues that news coverage can be hierarchical.  To what extent is this evident from the two readings? Make reference to Hall’s theory of representation in your answer. (10 marks)

Hall argues that news coverage can be hierarchical I think this relates to this context as it is clear from the two readings that the Mc Cann’s have got more news coverage than the Matthews we can see this due to their wealth and power they could fly out a child psychologist, and have a private conversation with the PM whereas the Matthews did not have enough wealth nor power for this.

Within Hall’s theory they may see the working class or people such as the Matthews as ‘the others’.

What is the dominant (intended) meaning of The Daily Telegraph? How is the audience supposed to feel about the two families?  Do you take a negotiated or oppositional reading and if so, how / why? Make reference to reception theory in your answer. (15 marks)

I think the dominant meaning of The Daily Telegraph would be that the audience is supposed to feel pity on the McCanns more than for the Matthews as their family was portrayed to be more of a loving family we can see this by the images shown and the working class family is portrayed in the most negative way as the McCanns could have also been seen as careless to leave their children but within the article are portrayed as loving parents.

With my response I would take an oppositional reading as I disagree with the texts intended ideology as it did not mark that the McCanns were careless parents as I thought they were.

With the reception theory The Daily Telegraph had an intended meaning to portray the Mccanns as trustworthy, compassionate parents whereas I did not see them this way because i was in contrast with the intended meaning of the producers text.


  1. You understand the two articles and how they compare in terms of representations and audience readings. You use media language appropriately. You could have drawn out more detailed examples. B- Vanessa


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