Role of Media
Effect on Audience
Effect Theory & Hypodermic Needle

Media controls everything The media is seen as a hypodermic needle which is an analogy as we take in or believe what the media gives to us.

1961 Albert bandura
Studied aggression experimented on children age 3-5 beat an inflatable dog for 10 mins and after the adult left them in the room with the same toys the child imitated the adult who hit the dog. What the children saw they did especially if the adult was the same sex as them.
He then took this principle further and made them watch violence on tv.
Basis of social learning theory.
Moral Panic Theory

Stanley Cohen in 1972 published a book “folk Devils of Moral Panics”- moral panics happen when members of a society and culture become outraged.

Ebola created a moral panic because of the mass media.

Recent terrorist attacks.
Cultivation Theory
States that the media does not simply inject us, but cultivates particular beliefs/ attitudes over time. It states that the high frequency viewers of television are more susceptible to media message and the belief that they are real and valid.

Heavy viewers are exposed to more violence and therefore are affected by the “mean world syndrome”, the belief that the world is far worse and dangerous than it really is.
Gerbner found that heavy TV viewing led to mainstreaming.

Daily Mail: Violent Shooter Games

Key Findings: 90 hours- 100 people- not enough as it is not representative of the whole population. Does not state a specific time span.

Violent games have a bad impact on our brain- in which we lose grey matter which has been linked to many illnesses of the brain for example PTSD and Alzheimer's.
“measurable loss of hippocampus 'gray matter' - nerve cell bodies - after 90 hours playing action games.”

Non violent games also have an impact on our brain such as mario kart as they increase grey matter,  it improves our brain functioning.

“But the same amount of time spent playing 3D Super Mario games increased grey matter in the hippocampi of all participants.”

Which audience theories?
Cultivation theory- 90 hours

The Guardian

Key Findings

Not enough sufficient evidence/challenging link between aggression and video games.
Not a direct/strong link- other factors that impact us

As their are other factors such as mental health etc. to take into consideration not just the media and all the theories are based on the media being the main culprit.

What audience theories

As it refutes moral panic as their is not enough evidence
Potentially cultivation theory- no way of telling
